Thousands across the globe participate in Hands Across The Sand

June 26, 2010

Dave Rauschkolb, right and his wife Carol and daughter Carlin participated in the Hands Across The Sand event at Seaside Florida. ©Lori Ceier/Walton Outdoors

Seaside drew more than 400 participants in global event

Thousands of people across the globe participated in the Hands Across The Sand event on June 26, 2010. Dave Rauschkolb, founder of the event and his family participated along with more than 400 supporters at Seaside Florida.

Hands Across the Sand is a movement to oppose offshore oil drilling and champion clean energy and renewables.

There were 797 events organized in the U.S. in 537 cities including 104 events outside the U.S. in 37 countries. The gatherings were a metaphorical and actual line n the sand; human lines in the sand against the threat oil drilling poses to America’s coastal economies and marine environment.

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