Walton County resident forms alliance to protest big oil and corporate control of America

May 28, 2010

Ed Berry

March on Washington DC planned for July 4

Walton County resident Ed Berry is angry and on a mission to bring awareness to our environment. Saddened by the crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, Berry wants to inform our government that the people of the United States are frustrated with big corporations’ stranglehold on America.

“The entire Southeast region of our country is now under attack,” Berry explains as he expresses his frustration with BP along with the government’s lack of action to take control of the environmental catastrophe.

The focus of the movement is a desire for cleaner energy reform, more transparency in the government’s actions related to the corporate disasters and corporate accountability. Hopes to encourage the government to provide incentive options for cleaner energy is also on the agenda.

“My fellow Americans located to the west of me in Louisiana are already seeing oil on their shores while sea turtles, porpoises, birds and many other living things are dying.  Communities are dying.  A great number of American people will not only lose their jobs but their entire way of making a living.  People will be uprooted from their homes and be forced to relocate due to the fact that an entire region is losing its ability to thrive,” Berry explains.

“After 15 years, my business is paid for, and I am now seeing it threatened along with people in Louisiana. If oil hits Florida, the state could go bankrupt. I feel like we are lost. It’s very apparent that big corporations have a strong hold on our government, its greed and not the people. We need for America to quit being afraid of approaching our government. Remember they are servants to us. Our country is in serious trouble,” Berry continues.

In his efforts, Berry has formed Reclaim Our America and is organizing a peaceful protest July 4 in Washington DC. For more information about the movement, go to www.reclaimouramerica.us.

Berry hopes to let the government know how many Americans share the way he feels.

The event is picking up steam with support from several local businesses and individuals such as M.C. Davis, founder of Nokuse Plantation and E.O. Wilson Biophilia Center.

“The oil spill is the biggest disaster in our northern hemisphere. I have hopes that Ed Berry et al. can possibly do something to get it resolved,” Davis said.

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