Walton County will be offering hazmat orientation classes

May 4, 2010

Classes start May 6 and will continue as needed

The Walton County Sheriff’s Office Emergency Operation Center working closely with representatives from British Petroleum (BP), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) are proud to announce that Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill response volunteer training has been secured for Walton County. The training will begin tomorrow Thursday, May 6 and continue until the local training need has been met.
The training will consist of three modules:
•    Module 1 – 45 min.: for general public volunteers (“unpaid”) with NO contact with spill product or affected wildlife.
•    Module 2  –  45 min.(in addition to Mod. 1):  will emphasize safety for those “paid” volunteers and employees working for contractors
•    Module 3  – 4 hours (in addition to Mod.s 1 & 2):  For Agency employees and personnel associated with entities such as Humane Society, Friends of Beaches; Turtle Rescue ops etc.; to be presented along with Mods 1&2 for a total 6 hour training course.

Any members of the community wishing to attend this training please call 267-2000 to register for the class. Each class can accommodate a maximum of 100 students, and it will be open to residents of Walton County. For members that have not already registered with the Walton County Sheriff Office to volunteer and wishing to do so, will be able to at the training.
Captain Mike Barker, Walton County Chief of Emergency Management is urging any members of the community interested in participating in the cleanup efforts to attend this very valuable training.

Residents looking to volunteer their time toward prevention and clean-up in Walton County are asked to go to the home page of the Walton County Sheriff’s Office web site, www.waltonso.org and complete an Oil Spill Volunteer Application.  The Application can be emailed to ccox@waltonso.org, faxed to 267-1350 or you may drop your application off at the Santa Rosa Beach Substation Monday through Friday 8 AM through 5 PM.  In addition, the web site will keep the public informed of any development concerning this incident and potential impacts.

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